What Time is the Presidential Debate Thursday: A Guide to the Upcoming Event - Zoe Rawling

What Time is the Presidential Debate Thursday: A Guide to the Upcoming Event

Presidential Debate Schedule and Details: What Time Is The Presidential Debate Thursday

What time is the presidential debate thursday

The highly anticipated presidential debate will take place on Thursday, October 13, 2022, at Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee. The debate will commence at 8:00 PM Eastern Time and run for 90 minutes, without any commercial breaks.

The format of the debate will feature six segments, each with a specific topic. The candidates will have two minutes to deliver their opening remarks, followed by a 10-minute moderated discussion on each topic. After the discussion, each candidate will have two minutes for a closing statement.


The debate will be moderated by Kristen Welker, the White House correspondent for NBC News. Welker has extensive experience in political reporting and has moderated several high-profile debates and interviews.


The six topics that will be covered during the debate are:

  • The economy
  • The COVID-19 pandemic
  • Race in America
  • Climate change
  • National security
  • Leadership

These topics are considered to be among the most pressing issues facing the United States today. The candidates will have the opportunity to present their plans and policies on these topics and to engage in a direct debate with each other.

Key Issues and Topics

The upcoming presidential debate is expected to focus on a wide range of issues that are of great importance to the American people. These issues include the economy, healthcare, climate change, education, and immigration.

The economy is always a major issue in presidential elections, and this year is no different. The candidates are likely to discuss their plans for creating jobs, boosting economic growth, and reducing the deficit.

Healthcare is another important issue that is likely to be debated. The candidates are likely to discuss their plans for reforming the healthcare system, making it more affordable and accessible for all Americans.

Climate change is a growing concern for many Americans, and the candidates are likely to discuss their plans for addressing this issue. They are likely to discuss their plans for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and transitioning to a clean energy economy.

Education is another important issue that is likely to be debated. The candidates are likely to discuss their plans for improving the quality of education in America, making it more affordable and accessible for all students.

Immigration is a complex issue that has been a source of debate for many years. The candidates are likely to discuss their plans for reforming the immigration system, making it more secure and fair.

These are just a few of the key issues that are likely to be discussed during the upcoming presidential debate. The outcome of the debate could have a significant impact on the election, and it is important for voters to be informed about the candidates’ positions on these issues.

The Economy

The economy is one of the most important issues facing the United States today. The candidates are likely to discuss their plans for creating jobs, boosting economic growth, and reducing the deficit.

President Trump is likely to tout his record on the economy, pointing to the low unemployment rate and rising stock market. He is likely to argue that his policies, such as tax cuts and deregulation, have led to economic growth.

Former Vice President Biden is likely to criticize Trump’s economic policies, arguing that they have benefited the wealthy at the expense of the middle class. He is likely to propose policies that he says will create jobs and raise wages, such as increasing the minimum wage and investing in infrastructure.


Healthcare is another important issue that is likely to be debated. The candidates are likely to discuss their plans for reforming the healthcare system, making it more affordable and accessible for all Americans.

President Trump is likely to propose repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare. He has argued that the ACA is a failure and that it has led to higher healthcare costs.

Former Vice President Biden is likely to defend the ACA and propose expanding it. He has argued that the ACA has made healthcare more affordable and accessible for millions of Americans.

Climate Change

Climate change is a growing concern for many Americans, and the candidates are likely to discuss their plans for addressing this issue. They are likely to discuss their plans for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and transitioning to a clean energy economy.

President Trump has repeatedly expressed skepticism about climate change. He has withdrawn the United States from the Paris Agreement, an international agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Former Vice President Biden has said that climate change is an existential threat and that he will rejoin the Paris Agreement. He has proposed a $2 trillion plan to invest in clean energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.


Education is another important issue that is likely to be debated. The candidates are likely to discuss their plans for improving the quality of education in America, making it more affordable and accessible for all students.

President Trump has proposed increasing school choice and giving parents more control over their children’s education. He has also proposed cutting funding for public education.

Former Vice President Biden has proposed increasing funding for public education and making college more affordable. He has also proposed expanding access to early childhood education.


Immigration is a complex issue that has been a source of debate for many years. The candidates are likely to discuss their plans for reforming the immigration system, making it more secure and fair.

President Trump has taken a hard line on immigration, proposing to build a wall on the border with Mexico and cracking down on illegal immigration. He has also proposed reducing legal immigration.

Former Vice President Biden has proposed a more humane approach to immigration, proposing to provide a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants and increasing the number of refugees admitted to the United States.

These are just a few of the key issues that are likely to be discussed during the upcoming presidential debate. The outcome of the debate could have a significant impact on the election, and it is important for voters to be informed about the candidates’ positions on these issues.

Candidate Profiles and Strategies

What time is the presidential debate thursday

The presidential debate on Thursday will feature two candidates with distinct political backgrounds and campaign strategies.

Joe Biden

Joe Biden, the Democratic candidate, is a seasoned politician with over 50 years of experience in public service. He served as vice president under Barack Obama for eight years and is currently the oldest person to ever run for president. Biden’s campaign focuses on restoring unity and healing the nation, addressing the COVID-19 pandemic, and rebuilding the economy. His strengths include his experience in government and his ability to connect with voters on a personal level. However, he has been criticized for his age and occasional gaffes.

Donald Trump, What time is the presidential debate thursday

Donald Trump, the Republican candidate, is a businessman and political outsider who has never held elected office before. His campaign emphasizes economic growth, immigration control, and law and order. Trump’s strengths include his ability to connect with disaffected voters and his willingness to challenge the status quo. However, he has been criticized for his divisive rhetoric and lack of experience in government.

What time is the presidential debate thursday – The presidential debate on Thursday will be an important event for the nation. If you’re looking for a distraction before or after the debate, consider watching the Indiana Fever vs Sky game. The game is expected to be a close one, so it’s sure to be exciting.

And after the game, you can tune back in to the debate and see how the candidates fared.

The presidential debate on Thursday will be held at 9 pm ET. If you’re wondering about tonight’s debate, you can check what time is the debate tonight?. But don’t forget to tune in on Thursday at 9 pm ET for the presidential debate.

If you’re wondering what time the presidential debate is on Thursday, be sure to tune in at 9 p.m. Eastern Time. And while you’re waiting for the debate to start, why not catch up on the latest WNBA All-Star voting ?

The polls are still open, so make sure to cast your vote for your favorite players.

If you’re curious about the exact time of the presidential debate on Thursday, be sure to check the latest updates. While you’re at it, don’t miss out on the thrilling Washington Mystics vs Indiana Fever timeline. Stay informed about the key moments and highlights of this captivating basketball matchup.

And remember to tune in for the presidential debate to stay up-to-date on the latest political developments.

The time of the presidential debate on Thursday is a question on many minds. However, amidst the political fervor, don’t forget to cast your vote for the WNBA All-Star Voting. Your voice can help shape the starting lineups for the league’s showcase event.

After exercising your democratic rights, be sure to tune in to the presidential debate for a different kind of contest.

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